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Surviving Life one drop of essential oil at a time!

Updated: Apr 25, 2020

Along my journey I have realized, probably later than I would have liked, that practicing self care is critical to living my best life. Now more than ever, I encourage all of us to take that time. Let's face it. We have it right now. The world continues to be strained, and that uneasy stress seems to have seeped into most of our lives without warning. Finding ways to manage this stress in a way that is healthy can be hard. It is easy to go to the unhealthy solutions like, food, alcohol, drugs, social media addiction, and so many others. Many of us, don't even realize the toll that it is taking on our minds, bodies and souls until we have that moment. The one where tears rise to the surface, anxiety hits us in ways we haven't experienced ever before, or we get a feeling in our chest that makes it hard to breathe. I have lived with anxiety my entire life. It exposed itself in lots of ways and many people labeled it. They called it nervous energy, passion, hyperactivity and high energy. Some of these labels I didn't mind, others I did. Nonetheless, I knew that I had to find ways to manage it. Now more than ever, I think it is important to share how.

Part of my journey has been finding tools to support me in making me my best version of myself. One of the tools in my toolbox is the use of essential oils. I am obsessed with them! With that said, I have made some mistakes in my essential oil journey, from buying them to using them. It is likely that I am still making some mistakes. I'm still not 100% sure what all the right steps are, but I have learned some things along the way that I think I can share to help those who are embarking or exploring essential oils for their own personal wellness. I truly believe that essential oils are transforming the health and wellness industry and I love them!

In the current state of our world today, I will start with how I use them in managing stress and anxiety. As I said, it is something I am familiar with. I have to do things to manage it. You are not alone if you feel like you have those anxious feelings that others don't understand and many are not sympathetic to. Hopefully, these few basic practices using essential oils can help you manage life in YOUR own way.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years and many have wonderful calming effects on your mind and body.   I will share the 3 top ways that I use essential oils to manage anxiety and stress. I am also, listing my 10 favorite oils for anxiety. What works for me may not work for everyone, so try different oils with these basic recipes to discover what is best for YOU.  If you try one that doesn’t work,  it’s probable that another will work great! Keep experimenting until you find YOUR best self's blend.

My favorite oils for managing stress and anxiety are...

1. Lavender - Probably the most popular essential oil, this oil reduces anxious feelings and promotes a restful sleep.

2. Bergamot - Bergamot is a citrus plant and has a delicious smell. This oil can dispel feelings of unease and is also great for diffusing when tension and anxiety levels are high.

3. Ylang Ylang - This oil is known for its calming effects and encouraging a positive mental state.   This is a great mood booster that will calm those anxious feelings.

4. Vetiver - Vetiver is a plant member of the grass family.  It has a tranquil and settling effect on emotions and can make you feel more grounded.

5. Petitgrain - This oil, from the bitter orange tree, is a citrus oil and also can help calm the nervous system, ease feelings of tension, and promote a peaceful nights sleep.

6. Clary Sage - This oil is known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. There are claims that Clary Sage can reduce blood pressure and has been used as an alternative to drugs in treating depression.

7. Roman Chamomile - Chamomile is one of the most age-old medicinal herbs known to humankind and is known for its ability to fight anxiety, relieve depression and reduce insomnia.

8. Sweet Marjoram - This is a perennial herb that is part of the mint family and it has an aromatic spicy, warm, green scent. Sweet Marjoram is perfect for sleep issues related to anxiety and stress. Bonus! It has also been know to reduce snoring which inhibits a good nights sleep.

9. Frankincense - This is one of the most powerful essential oils. Frankincense has a relaxing, de-stressing effect and is known to be a mood stabilizer.

10. Geranium - The geranium plant is indigenous to Africa and has a long history of curative uses by ancient Egyptians. It promotes mental clarity, understanding, an open heart, and a gratitude for the beauty of life.

First, I use them topically. Essential oils can efficiently be absorbed by the skin and have great benefits. If used correctly they can be safely applied to the skin. One of my favorite ways to pamper myself when feeling a little stressed or anxious is to take a lukewarm shower or bath. Before you get in, combine 2 part coconut oil, (you can also substitute almond oil or olive oil), granular white sugar or organic raw cane sugar, which is my preference, and 5-6 drops of lavender, or another of my top 10 essential oils. Run the water in the shower or bath until it's at a temperature that makes YOU feel good. For me, living in a tropical climate, it's lukewarm yet slightly cool. Rub the lavender sugar scrub all over your body starting at the bottom of your feet and rubbing upward toward your heart in a circular motion taking deep inhales and exhales as you go. Stop at your neck, as the skin on your face is more delicate and the sugar concentration in the scrub could be too much. Take some of the scrub and rub it between your hands. Place your hands below your nose and take 5-6 deep inhales and exhales and then rinse your body. The oils will moisturize, the sugar will exfoliate, the upward motions will encourage your lymphatic system and the lavender will calm you.

I also use them aromatically. Aroma Therapy is a system that utilizes essential oils to protect, heal and beautify us through the use of our senses. Our olfactory system is one of the most primeval sensory domains in human history and is otherwise known as our ‘sense of smell’.  This fascinating neural connection draws in smells and aromas, then communicates and informs your brain. If you have a diffuser, this is the easiest way to infuse aromatherapy into your life. If not, you can make a sensory soothing diffuser with Himalayan sea salt crystals and a heat safe glass jar or candle holder. Just mix 1/2 cup of Himalayan salt crystals with 5-10 drops of essential oil and place in the glass vessel then snuggle in an unscented candle into the crystals. When you light the candle, the warmth of the flame will draw up the salt and help release the scents of essential oil into the air. Himalayan Pink Salt is believed to have wide benefits including purifying and detoxifying the air making it an ideal foundation for diffusing essential oils. One of my favorite relaxing blends right now is 5 drops of bergamot, 2 drops of ylang ylang, and 2 drops of frankincense oils. You can mix this wonderful blend to induce a feeling of relaxation and it is great to use while meditating.

The third way that I use essential oils is Internally. This can be controversial, and I am not an expert, so please do your research. I do use essential oils internally but on a very limited basis and do not recommend using essential oils internally unless you have consulted and expert or professional. It is important to dilute essential oils for use on your inner self and I am always very cautious and conservative when using essential oils internally, however, in times of anxiety and stress, I do the first two steps above and then finish off with a warm cup of chamomile tea with a teaspoon of honey and 1 drop of lavender essential oil to calm any restlessness that might be left in my body.

The practices I list above are all beneficial whether used individually or in combination, but I love to do all three for an amazing before bed experience that helps me sleep like a baby. All of these have benefitted me during these anxious and unpredictable times and I hope that they do the same for you!

Live fully, Dance Freely & Pura Vida!

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