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Boho? Chic? Modern? or Tropical?

So, I am taking this blog in a different direction. I have been stuck for a few weeks, putting pressure on myself to write as if my life depends on it. I have felt guilty for not writing, not finding the perfect niche for my site, not finding the mass of followers that I had hoped for, and for not telling many of my family and friends that this site even exists for fear of judgement. I am a little angry with myself for asking those of you who are part of this to share my links with others to help me build momentum. (That's my way of asking now.)

Yet again, I have made a decision. It is your choice to follow me or not, to share my stuff or not, I can't care. Don't get me wrong, I do care, but I just can't let myself be overwhelmed with pleasing everyone here or I will never get back on track. I have to sit and wonder how many bloggers face this same challenge. I am guessing it is probably too many to count. I am also assuming that many of them give up, just like I almost did. But, you know what happens when you assume right? You make an ass out of u and me. So have you ever tried blogging only to give up because of frustration or lack of cohesive content? I'm curious.

I have to remember I started this journey for me. So, I've decided, no, I've committed to myself that I am going to write about whatever calls to me in the moment. It could be anything from food and cocktails, to health or wellness, spirituality, sex, life, people, myself, my journey, rainbows, home design, to well, just about anything.

Today, I am bored and contemplating about what the furniture and furnishings in my new home should look like. I have spent hours on pinterest and furniture sites trying to make a decision. I know whatever I choose is not permanent, but I am acting like this is the biggest decision I have ever made. Do I go with tropical or chic? boho or modern? I can't seem to make a call. Maybe I will try to combine them all into one room. I am finding that I seem to care most about whether or not others will like it. Guess what??? They don't have to! At least that's what I'm telling myself.

I have discovered of love for design. Maybe I will share some design inspiration and pics of my final products. I am finding out that I really enjoy a lot of things that I didn't have time to spend my time on before I had all of this time. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not since I seem to want to make everything into a new career. I am confident that what should be, will be and I will find my path, and it will be the right path for me. One where I don't care who does or doesn't like the decor of my home.

So my point, as I have gotten off track with my thoughts, is that I am going to write and post a lot more. The writing may be a bit haphazard, as the preceding paragraphs should indicate. Some of these posts you might like, some you may dislike, but I hope that you will keep reading and let me know when something resonates with you. Today, it might be the fact that we are all confused with what direction our life should take but to flow with it and stop caring so much about acceptance and approval.

I am a bit curious what would you choose? Boho? Chic? Modern? or Tropical?

Cast your vote on Instagram @purlifejourney or let me know via FB @ A Pure Life Journey. Can't wait to hear from you.

Live Fully, Dance Freely, and Pura Vida!

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